- First True Gaming Laptop
- 时间:2011-08-31
- 来源:转载
Razer Blade - The World's First True Gaming Laptop◆ 關於Razer Blade遊戲專用筆電
Razer Blade 為一款 17 吋遊戲筆記型電腦。這款筆電搭載為輕量鋁合金結構所設計的高速 Intel Core i7 中央處理器與高效能 NVIDIA GeForce 獨立顯卡。與完整鍵盤並列的 Switchblade 使用者介面,採用可提升遊戲體驗的全新設計,讓遊戲玩家只須輕動指尖便能下達更多操控指令。此介面具備 10 個觸控式可調整按鍵與多點觸控 LCD 遊戲資訊面板。Razer Blade 厚度僅 0.88 吋(約 2.24 公分),重量為 6.97 磅(約 3.16 公斤)。
Razer is proud to introduce the world's first true gaming laptop. The Razer Blade features true portability, incredible performance, and a revolutionary user interface.
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We've teamed up with NVIDIA and Intel to create a laptop that can play next-gen games on a 17-inch screen, while weighing under 7 pounds, and being 0.88 inches thin.
The Switchblade UI puts your hotkeys, macros, and skills on 10 adaptive tactile keys with a matching icons. Beneath that, an ultra-sensitive LCD multi-touch panel displays in-game info such as quests and chat messages. It can also be used as a multi-touch track pad if you want to leave your Razer mouse at home. Everything you need to dominate is at your fingertips.